We asked the public to come up with catch phrases for text messaging company. This contest was not sponsored by any particular service, but an idea suggested by one of our users, Jennifer Seay. As expected, there were some great entries. This contest also points out why we don't try to sell individual ideas. Many people submitted the same, or variations on the same idea. The entries were judged by The Sandbox Group, a media collective based in Manhattan.
And The Winner Is....
U had me at :)
Submitted for T-MOBILE (Submitted by Krystal Houghton of Los Angeles, California. )
Why we love this one: It combines emoticons, text messaging shorthand, and popular culture all at once, in a way that makes us smile.
"Talk to the hand"
T-MOBILE (Esther Wong of San Francisco)
Honorable mentions: (In no particular order.)
"Let Your Fingers Do the Talking"
SPRINT PCS (Sage Kalmus, Mike Goldsun, Shanon Sims)
Kind of obvious, but still good. Sage Kalmus was the first one to submit this.
"The Joy of Text"
VERIZON (Alan Friedman)
"Can U Read Me Now? Good!"
VERIZON (John Sanders, Halah Touryalai, Jodi Rowland, Julie Yip) John Sanders submitted the earliest version.
“T-mobile. Captivating your mobile moments“
T-Mobile (Crystal Haire. Submitted as a caption to her photo.)
"All thumbs? Not a problem.“
Verizon (Krystal Houghton. Krystal also won this contest. Go girl!)
"Take a Walk on the Wireless Side.“
Verizon (Oldita Seeley)
"Be a text machine“
T-Mobile (Jay Pullman)
"Who Says You Can't Talk With Your Mouth Full?"
CIngular (David Catapano)
"Don't say it. Text it."
Verizon (Vanessa Moore)
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